A total of 12 smartphones were launched by eight brands in December 2022, as per InsightConvey’s smartphone launch tracker. Maximum chipsets used by OEMs were from MediaTek, followed by Qualcomm and Unisoc. So, the last month of the year, December was for MediaTek, three were from the Helio series, and three were from the Dimensity series. One each from Qualcomm and Unisoc. Maximum MediaTek chipset used to launch the Affordable (Rs 7,001 – Rs 15,000) segment smartphones. Brands used Qualcomm’s chipset to introduce smartphones in Affordable Premium (Rs 15,001 – Rs 30,000) segment.
A sort of Samsung month overall, Samsung announced three smartphones, three of which were 4G and not 5G. Eight of the twelve smartphones introduced in December were 4G smartphones, and just four were 5G. Realme launched two smartphones, both of which are 5G. Infinix also launched two smartphones one is 4G, and the other one is 5G. Four brands, Tecno, Nokia, Vivo, and Lava, launched one smartphone in December 2022, each 4G. Here is a list of every smartphone that launched in December 2022.
4G Smartphones in December
In December 2022, six different OEMs launched eight 4G smartphones. Samsung, Infinix, Tecno, Nokia, Vivo, and Lava were among the OEMs. Samsung launched the maximum number of 4G smartphones, and all other brands launched just one 4G smartphone each.
Realme and Oppo were the only OEMs not to introduce any 4G smartphones in December 2022.
For 4G smartphones, the maximum chipsets used by OEMs were from MediaTek; out of eight 4G smartphones launched, MediaTek powered seven of them and only one Unisoc, and in December, no 4G chipset from Qualcomm.
From MediaTek, Helio P35 was used thrice by the OEMs, followed by Helio G99; and OEM used Unisoc SC9896A launch 4G smartphones.
In the Basic (under Rs 7,000) segment, only Lava introduced the smartphone in December 2022.
Four different OEMs launched six different 4G smartphones in the Affordable (Rs 7,001 – Rs 15,000) segment,; only Samsung launched three smartphones, and others launched only one each under this price segment.
In the Affordable Premium (Rs 15,001 – Rs 30,000) segment, only Infinix launched the 4G smartphone, which is Infinix Zero 20.
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5G Smartphones in December
In December 2022, three separate OEMs launched four distinct 5G smartphones. Realme, Infinix, and Oppo were the OEMs. Among them, Realme introduced two 5G devices, and Infinix and Oppo introduced just one.
Tecno, Lava, Vivo, Nokia, and Samsung were the five OEMs that have not introduced any 5G phones in December 2022.
For 5G smartphones, OEMs used only MediaTek’s and Qualcomm’s chipsets to launch 5G phones. OEMs used MediaTek chipset the most with no Unisoc chipset for 5G smartphones.
From MediaTek, the brands used different chipsets: Dimensity 1080, Dimensity 920, and Dimensity 8100 MAX. From Qualcomm only chipset used was Snapdragon 695.
In the Affordable Premium (Rs 15,001 – Rs 30,000) segment, only two brands launched the 5G smartphones, which were Realme and Infinix, and out of them, Realme is the one who launched the maximum 5G phones.
The only 5G phones launched in the Premium (Rs 30,001 – Rs 60,000) segment and the brand was Oppo which launched its special edition House of Dragon Reno 8 Pro, which MediaTek powered.
OEMs preferred a single chipset vendor, especially when launching 4G smartphones. Out of 12 smartphone launches, distinct brands used 10 MediaTek chipsets; that’s why December was for MediaTek.